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Denver, Colorado, USA


+1 720 666 2916

Build and manage your website

Having a business website is an essential part of your online presence. Your website:

Is part of your business identity and branding
Allows you to communicate with your customers and enables them to get in touch with you
Can enable you to sell products and deliver services online.

Get a domain name and URL

It's important to choose a good domain name. It affects:

  • How easily customers can find your site
  • How much customers will trust your website and brand
  • Your intellectual property and trademark protection.
  • Set up an email address to match your domain name

    You can use free email services for your business, but using one that matches your domain (and business) name, creates a more professional impression. For example, your domain-name email will display as info@mybusiness.com, instead of mybusiness@gmail.com. The service provider who registers your domain name, or your web hosting company, may provide an email service or include it as a paid add-on.

    Find a web hosting company

    For your website to be published and accessible on the internet, it has to be hosted by a web hosting company. These companies provide you with a secure space on their server to store all your website content. You can host your website with the same company you register your domain name with, or you can choose a different host if this meets your business needs better. Monthly fees for web hosting can vary depending on how big your website is and how many visits you get.

    Design your website

    When designing your website, think about:

    the information you want to give your customers
    what you want them to do on your site
    the questions they'll have
    the order they'll be doing things in.

    Structure the site to make it easy for them to find and do the things they need. It might help to look at websites of businesses like yours to see how they've designed their site and what features they've added. A well-designed and easy-to-use website will help your business stand out. An easy way to understand what you may need for your website is to draw up a visual site map. Typically, you'd want a page dedicated to each product range or critical service you offer.

    Your website should display correctly on smart phones and other mobile devices.

    Web builders and CMS platforms automatically include mobile optimisation in their products.
    If you hire a web developer, find out if mobile optimisation is included in the build, or if they'll charge extra for it.